Thursday, December 13, 2012

Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2013... I'm In

Unadorned Block
I have just completed making 12 unadorned 6.5" blocks in preparation for the year ahead.  I registered and was accepted, to take part in the Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2013, 12 blocks, 12 months, I can't wait!  I spent the last two days going through my boxes and gathering my trims, ribbons, beads and embellies.  

Unadorned blocks
Hand dyed Silk Ribbon

These as just some of the ribbons I intend, plan, hope to use in embroidering my blocks along with some of my hand-dyed lace.  I have been hoarding this lace for about two years now and I think the colors are perfect match for the blocks I have created.
Blocks Ribbon Trim
Antique Trim
I am now drafting the layout of the stitching along with the accompanying embellies for my first block, due in January 2013.